Madagascar Misadventure
Madagascar Misadventure is the fourth book in the series by Jane Wilson-Howarth featuring Alex and James adventures as they are travelling through Madagascar because their parents are wildlife activists. I have listened to the previous books as well.
I like hearing about all the wildlife in this book like lemurs and foosa and scorpions for example.
I like that James and Alex and Claude have a sense of humour and I like listening to them banter. Also I like how James and Alex care about each other even though they don't always get along.
I like that it is interesting hearing about the Madagascar culture and curses that they believe in.
The story is enjoyable and the characters face a lot of threat so this makes the reader want to know what happens next.
The recording was done well and is very clearly read.
Staying Healthy When You Travel
Covers insect bite treatments, acclimatization, AIDS avoidance, snake-bite treatment and travel-related skin problems.
Los Angeles Times
Snowfed Waters
... beautifully narrated tale, interspersed with want and waste; horror and humour. Even the grimmest of situations may wrest a smile from the reader, and that is the beauty of Jane Wilson-Howarth’s craft.... A tale of courage and compassion; unlearning the past and embracing the future is magnificently woven that keeps you hooked throughout!
The Tribune (India)