Himalayan Heist
At first I was attracted to this book by the beautiful cover and the fact that Nepal sounded interesting. When I received the book I was impressed with the quality of the paper and good, clear print. It is unusual to have photos and this really added to my enjoyment. The character of each child is shown clearly by how they react to their situation and each time I came to the end of a chapter, I wanted to carry on for another. I haven't read a novel set in Nepal before and by the end, not only had I enjoyed their adventure, but I knew more about the people, animals and plants in this country.
Madagascar Misadventure
I listened to this story before recommending it to a teenager. It has that good mix of excitement and natural history that I like in a book. Read in a clear, warm voice, it's a good story to sit back and relax to.
I knew nothing about Madagascar until I heard the story, but I soon realised that the author really knows the island and by end I felt I'd been there.
book lover
Staying Healthy When You Travel
“Amusing and informative…By far the best book of this type”
Sesame: Scientific Exploration Society Newsletter